Redefine what it means to engage parents

Lessonbank redefines parent engagement by giving parents visibility into the classroom instructional process for the first time ever.   

Lessonbank enables parents to watch videos of their child's actual classes--complete with the ability to search topics by keyword or date.  Parents can even access analytics to see which lectures their child has or has not watched.    

Lessonbank is a progressive web app that works on any device--including cell phones, PCs,  and tablets.  Lessonbank is available 24/7/365--even after students graduate--serving as a searchable knowledge base of their educational journey

For decades, research from around the world has shown that parents’ involvement in and engagement with their child’s education at school leads to a host of positive outcomes.  

According to a  2019 American Psychological Association review, students show higher academic achievement when parents are involved in their education at school

The APA study also showed that parent involvement and engagement has a positive impact on students’ social and emotional skills and decreases instances of delinquency.

This is why we believe that it is so important for parents to have access to their child's class videos--so that they have a way to engage in their child's education at school--which in turn creates the requisite environment for improved academic outcomes.