A revolutionary approach to parent engagement

Lessonbank redefines parent engagement by giving parents visibility into the classroom instructional process for the first time ever.   

Lessonbank enables parents to watch videos of their child's actual classes--complete with the ability to search topics by keyword or date.  Parents can even access analytics to see which lectures their child has or has not watched.    

Lessonbank is a progressive web app that works on any device--including cell phones, PCs,  and tablets.  Lessonbank is available 24/7/365--even after students graduate--serving as a searchable knowledge base of their educational journey

Why does it matter?

For decades, researchers have point­ed to one key suc­cess fac­tor that tran­scends near­ly all oth­ers, such as socioe­co­nom­ic sta­tus, stu­dent back­ground or the kind of school a stu­dent attends:  parental involve­ment.

The extent to which schools nur­ture pos­i­tive rela­tion­ships with fam­i­lies — and vice ver­sa — makes all the dif­fer­ence, research shows. Stu­dents whose par­ents stay involved in school have bet­ter atten­dance and behav­ior, get bet­ter grades, demon­strate bet­ter social skills and adapt bet­ter to school.

Parental involve­ment also more secure­ly sets these stu­dents up to devel­op a life­long love of learn­ing, which researchers say is key to long-term success.

A gen­er­a­tion ago, the Nation­al PTA found that three key par­ent behav­iors are the most accu­rate pre­dic­tors of stu­dent achieve­ment, tran­scend­ing both fam­i­ly income and social status:

What’s more, researchers say when this hap­pens, the moti­va­tion, behav­ior and aca­d­e­m­ic per­for­mance of all chil­dren at a par­tic­u­lar school improve. Sim­ply put, the bet­ter the part­ner­ship between school and home, the bet­ter the school and the high­er the stu­dent achieve­ment across the board.

--Excerpt from the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion ​“Parental Involve­ment in Edu­ca­tion Pol­i­cy” report

What do Lessonbank videos look like? 
The video below was filmed autonomously
by a Lessonbank AI tracking webcam